Big Joel's Safari Petting Zoo & Educational Park
By entering Big Joel's Safari, you agree to follow the Zoo Rules and Policies
​ General Rules:
Children must be supervised at all times. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult while visiting the park.
Respect the Animals! Treat them with the respect they deserve as this is their home! NO running or horseplay anytime, DO NOT yell at or taunt the animals, DO NOT bang on enclosures, and DO NOT throw objects or animal feed at animals or into their habitats.
NO outside food is allowed in Zoo! Picnic area located in Parking Lot
NO outside animal food or outside containers to put animal food in. You can only use the feed cups purchased from Big Joel's Safari.
Respect all Boundaries (fences, barriers, flowerbeds) & Obey all posted signs in the zoo. Signs will tell you what animals NOT to feed!
We have the right to inspect anything brought into the zoo and will remove anyone violating our rules.
The following are prohibited for the Safety & Welfare of our animals & guests:​
Use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco & marijuana products, including e-cigarettes/vapes
Dogs or other pets. Service animals are only permitted in the gift shop, party room, and pavilion area at the zoo. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act and are not permitted inside the park. More information can be found at
Entering non-public areas
Balloons, noise-making devices, the use of GO Pros reaching over barriers.
Firearms and weapons
Drones, Lasers, Radio/ Music devices
Bicycles, Segway's, hoverboards, etc.
Glass bottles
Wearing a costume or mask that conceals the entire face if over 13 years of age.
Family-friendly attire is required (no profanity or graphic images). Shirt & shoes must be worn.
The zoo may take photos & videos of your party during your visit to our facility. These photos or videos may be used by the facility for both internal & public publications, including the zoo website & social media channels.
Personal video & photography are permitted, provided they do not interrupt the visitor experience for others.
Student/ Commercial filming must be approved by Zoo management in advance.
Distribution of any advertisements, handbills, products, or solicitation of funds or pledges of contributions on zoo property is prohibited.
Strollers and other personal belongings are left unattended at the owner's risk.
All sales are final. No refunds are given for any reason.
Guest Services:​​
Lost & Found: Please turn in or check for items in the Gift Shop
First Aid is located in the Gift Shop
Hand stamp for same day re-entry available in the Gift Shop
Restrooms are located next to the Gift Shop/ Pavilion Area
Snacks & Drinks available under Pavilion via vending machines. Guests may use our Picnic Area in Parking lot if you bring your own food. Once again no outside food may be brought into the zoo.
Food for the animals is available at our Gift Shop or Feed Station. YOU MAY NOT FEED THE ANIMALS ANY FOOD YOU BRING WITH YOU INTO THE PARK, which is why all outside food in prohibited inside the zoo. Unauthorized feeding may cause illness, injury, or death, and is in violation of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Rules & Regulations
Disabilities Note:
We are partially wheelchair accessible. The zoo is on natural terrain, which means there are slight inclines, gravel, and grass to manage. We not have wheelchair rentals.
Service Animals can only have access to our gift shop, birthday room, & pavilion area for the safety of our animals. More info about this can be found at​
Zoo Rules & Policies